
Oh, you know it is frightening

Transformar-me de dentro pra fora: vomitar minhas víceras, me tornar fraca pra me tornar forte. Respirar fundo e entender que as coisas só acontecem quando devem acontecer.
E que não há força mental que altere o tempo e a maneira em que ele deve existir.
E eu posso contruir castelos de cartas, viajar a outros lugares, tomar minhas coisas e amarrá-las às minhas costas pronta pra ir embora... e nada pode acontecer.

E ta tudo bem (?)


That's what I told you

Do you remember that?

"Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel.
And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new.
Just lesser versions of what I've already felt."

And then... It's there, in the movie. I'm listening to this beautiful soundtrack with all this amazing piano pieces, thinking of everything that makes us humans; thinking the way I feel about telling you all the obvious things. Isn't that obvious too?
I'm here, losing myself away, falling apart, thinking of relationships and loneliness. I'm empty. I'm old. I'm overthinking, I'm overtired, I'm...

Am. I. not?